
Understand World News in 30 Seconds

China Stock Market

China has tried to stock market to keep performing better. Their stocks have grown gradually and steadily. This February, the stocks suddenly shot up and kept rising. Now, they have suddenly crashed in value to come back to the levels of March. Their government has panicked and is trying to implement measures to prevent the stocks prices from going further down, such as preventing companies from issuing more stocks.

Greece’s Economic Troubles

Greece borrowed a lot of money during good times, but spent too much so had to borrow even more from the European Union to pay off their previous debts. Now the government is broke, and if it defaults on its next loan all hell will break lose. The government shut down banks and banned sending money abroad so that more money stays in Greece. The European Union said that if they want to borrow more money they have to make some changes (reducing spending etc) but Greece has now decided not to accept these terms.

Iran Nuclear Deal

Iran has trouble with USA and its neighbours like Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Israel etc. The rest of the world found out that they are researching nuclear technology, and suspect them to be building a nuclear bomb. Nobody wants Iran to build a bomb because they are considered crazy. So, everyone decided to stop doing trade with them to make them suffer. They won't restart trade unless Iran agrees to reduce its nuclear projects and let USA/Europe regularly inspect them. That’s the “nuclear deal”.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

Palestinians are Arabs who used to live in a country called Israel. Jews from Europe believed Israel was their homeland and started moving in. The Palestinians and Jews fought for space and in the end the Jews kinda won and a million Palestinians were left homeless. They moved into small parts of Israel like Gaza. All Arab countries hate Israel for this and want to destroy it. USA supports Israel.

ISIS and Taliban

Muslims are divided into 2 types- Sunni and Shia. Iraq is mainly Shia. USA invaded Iraq. After USA left, the country was unstable. Sunni terrorists  created an organization called “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” (ISIS) and are trying to take over. They’re rich, modern and want to convert the whole world into their kind of Muslims. They get money from capturing oil fields, ransoms etc. They compete with other terrorists like the Taliban.

Rohingya Muslims

Burma (Myanmar), which is mostly Buddhist, hates its Muslim people (called Rohingya), doesn’t recognize them as citizens, and has exploited and enslaved them for decades. Recently 3 Muslims raped a Buddhist woman, which caused riots and thousands of Rohingya had to escape the country. They are currently stranded in ships, slowly dying and no country wants to accept them.

Russia and Ukraine

Ukraine used to be a part of Soviet Union. Soviet Union broke down in 1990s and Ukraine became a separate country. Russia’s current President, Vladimir Putin, believes Ukraine shouldn’t have been separated, so he invaded Ukraine and captured a part called Crimea. USA and Europe have put sanctions on Russia (= stop doing trade) and so Russia is facing economic problems now, but doesn't want to give up Ukraine.

North Korea

Korea got divided into North and South; North Korea being Communist (backed by Russia and China) and South Korea being American. They fought a long bloody war and finally signed a peace treaty. NK stopped all foreign trade and closed itself to outsiders, so they are now starving. SK is rich because of trade. They hate each other and USA keeps military there to prevent them from fighting.